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Matriarch Intensive


In this 5 module container we will deep dive into the energetics of the matriarch. I will show you that exact way I: -turned my relationships with me kids around - created a more intimate relationship with my husband - turned our mornings from chaos to calm - turned our evening to family connection time - created more space and time for myself - got my kids to communicate better so the fighting and arguing are a lot less predominant You will receive a tool box with tools you can use in your everyday life to create more ease and a lot less anxiety around tough times I will show you they way to step into your power and own your truth so you don't need to look outside for validation and fulfillment This will allow your kids to feel more safe, more secure and more confident And as usual- I constantly over deliver so there will always be a lot Mor!!! This is for you if ✨️You wish for a better life for you and your family ✨️You are done feeling overwhelmed, tired, irritated and angry ✨️You desire to feel good in your home ✨️You desire to live a happy, fulfilling life where your kids get to be a contribution to you. ✨️You desire to spark that fire again with your person. ✨️You desire to learn new ways to create more ease and peace in your life




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